
Chapter 20

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June 21st

"Carina you are late." Alice said. She had her arms crossed and tapped her foot as she looked at Carina.

"No you are just early." Carina said cheekily.

"Don't you dare get smart with me. Now don't kill me." Alice said. She then climbed onto Carina's back and covered her eyes. Carina breathed and ran up the stairs at vampire speed. "Carina, what if someone saw you?" Alice asked getting off of her.

"Oh well." Carina said smiling.

"Come one we have to make up for lost time." Alice said dragging Carina into her room and pushing her into a chair. Carina behaved perfectly because she knew how much effort Alice put into this wedding. "You look perfect." Alice said admiring her work.

"Are you implying that I didn't before?" Carina asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not, just now you are perfect with a hint of Alice." Alice said happily as she skipped to the closet to get the Carina's wedding dress. Carina slipped on the dress. "Beautiful." Alice said simply looking Carina over.

"Thank you." Carina said happily. She could not believe that she was getting married.

"Can I come in?" Carlisle asked from the door.

"Come in." Alice said.

"Carina you look amazing." Carlisle said twirling her.

"Thank you." Carina said. She was beaming.

"I'm going to get in line." Alice said she gave Carina a kiss on the cheek and left.

"So are you ready?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes." Carina answered.

"Good. I am so honored that you chose me to walk you down the aisle."

"There could be no one else that I would have chosen for my first walk down the aisle."

"Come on it's time." Alice said peeking in the room.

Carina and Carlisle left the room. They got in their positions behind Ashley and Adam. They heard Rosalie start to play piano. Alice and Jasper descended the staircase first. As the couples started to go down the staircase, Carina looked at Carlisle, who smiled at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. They walked down the staircase gracefully. Carina and Edward locked eyes as soon as she came into view.

Out of the 690,945 days since she was born, this was the first time she has ever remembered being this happy. Neither really listened to the preacher, they were just staring at each other.

"Do take this woman to be your wife, as long as you both shall live?" The preacher asked Edward.

"I do, forever." Edward answered looking into Carina's eyes.

"Do you take this man to be your husband, as long as you both shall live?" The preacher asked Carina.

"I do, always." Carina said looking into Edward's eyes.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride." Edward cupped her face and Carina pulled his tie towards her. And they kissed sealing their ties to each other. Everyone cheered when they looked up.

Thankfully the reception was in the house. The receiving line looked a mile long. The first in line were the Denali's, with the exception of Tanya.

"Welcome officially to the family." Kate said hugging Carina, then Edward.

"Glad to be a part of it." Carina said smiling. Edward smiled an saw that she was glowing. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"It's amazing that Edward went for decades of being a bachelor to being married in two years." Irina said hugging them.

"I guess it took the right woman." Edward said pulling Carina closer.

"I guess we better get moving," Eleazar said looking behind him at the line.

"Congratulations to both of you." Carmen said hugging them.

"See you soon." Eleazar said. The Denali's left.

"Congrats you two." Jen said hugging them hard.

Carina and Edward had not realized how many people Alice invited. The last couple to greet them made Carina smile wider than she thought possible.

"Brendan!" Carina exclaimed.

"Hi!" Brendan said hugging her tightly.

"What about me?" Janice asked.

"Jan. It can't be." Carina said excitedly. She hugged Janice too.

"What?" Janice asked when Carina released her.

"Are you pregnant?" Carina asked.

"Yea, how did you know?"

"A guess. Congrats, how's everything been going?"

"Great, it's been easy sailing with all that money you left us." Brendan said.

"Good I am so happy for you two." Carina said.

"Couldn't have made it without you." Janice said.

"Edward you are taking care of her right?" Brendan asked.

"As much as I can without her killing me." Edward said earning a hit in the ribs by Carina.

"NOW WILL THE BRIDE AND GROOM REPORT TO THE CENTER OF THE FLOOR!" They heard Alice's voice through the microphone.

Alice had planned every detail perfectly. Everything went according to plan. Carina threw the bouquet and was surprised that Jen caught it. Then sat on a chair and smirked as Edward went under her dress to retrieve the garter. They could hear Jasper and Emmett's repressed laughter. Edward came out of her dress and winked at her. He spit the garter at Jasper. Jasper caught it an inch from his face. He smiled and pocketed it. It was Alice's after all.

Then came the first dance. Carina and Edward took center floor. They twirled and spun around the floor like they have danced together forever.

"How are you?" Edward asked as he spun her.

"As happy as I have ever been." Carina said smiling. "How about you?"

"There are no words to describe my feelings." Edward said kissing her.

"There you go being all sappy again." Carina said.

"Excuse me." Carlisle said tapping Edward's shoulder. Edward moved aside and went to dance with Esme. Carlisle bowed his head to Carina. Carina curtsied slightly and they began to dance. "You look happy."

"Good, I feel happy."

"To tell you the truth I was worried about Edward for a long time before you came."

"How come?"

"For some time I was worried I changed him too soon. When I first created Rosalie, I had intended for her to be to Edward, what Esme was for me. I was so glad when he saw you. I knew. So thank you." Carlisle said kissing her forehead. She smiled at him.

"Ahem." Emmett said.

"Hey Em." Carina said taking his hand.

"You know that I thought that Edward was gay for a long time."

"Really?" Carina asked amused.

"Yea, for a while I was wondering if he was using you as a shield to not come out of the closet." Carina smiled sweetly and stomped on his foot with all her might. Carina saw his face and saw that he was trying not to yell.

"You know what they say Emmett. That boys that are into body building are compensating for something that they lack. Or they are hiding in the closet themselves." They heard the vampires snickering at her statement.

"I'm going to cut in now." Jasper said pushing Emmett away from Carina. Rosalie quickly grabbed Emmett's hand and dragged him away.

"It's rude to cut into other people's conversations." Carina said as they danced.

"Oh well." Jasper said smiling at her. "Now you have a paper that legally binds you to us."

"Good, it's nice to be permanently apart of a family."

"I know what you mean." Jasper said smiling, dipping her.

Carina danced with every male at the wedding. She ended up back in Edward's arms.

"Come on Carina." Alice said as everyone was walking out side.

"Ok." Carina kissed Edward quickly and followed Alice up the stairs. "Alice you are amazing. I didn't even know that Danny and Jan were coming."

"That's because I had them wait until you were too busy staring at Edward."

"Thank you so much Alice." Carina said hugging her as soon as they were in room.

"Anytime." Alice said smiling. She went to her closet and pulled out a dress. Carina get dressed quickly.

"Wait." Carina said as Alice tried to push her out of the room. Carina went to the closet and slipped something onto the strap on her leg.

"What's that?" Alice asked as Carina straightened her dress.

"Pea shooter."


"For Emmett."


"You are doing that rice thing right?"


"What do you think that Emmett is going to do with that rice?"

"Throw it at you." Alice said understanding.

"So distract him for me."

"Well you are suppose to make the bride happy. Sure why not."


"No problem. Have fun." Alice said, her voice heavy with suggestion.

"I will." Carina said. They laughed all the way down the stairs.

As Carina and Edward walked down the line of wedding guest everyone threw the rice into the air. As predicted Emmett threw the rice at Edward's back and it hit Carina in the face. Once in the limo, Alice distracted Emmett. Carina rolled down the window and lifted up the bottom of her dress. Edward raised an eyebrow. Carina smiled and put up one finger. She pulled out her pea shooter. She took aim and took a deep breath. She blew with all her might. Alice had Emmett turn to face Carina at the exact moment that eight grains of rice hit his eye.

"Drive please." Carina said sweetly to the driver. Both she and Edward doubled over laughing. "We owe Alice big." Carina said between breaths.

"Yea we do." Edward said catching his breath. "Do you always carry a pea shooter?"

"No sometimes I carry a knife. Depends on where I am at the time."

"How much harm can a pea shooter do?"

"You'd be surprised. So where are we going?"


"Thanks for the clarification." Carina said rolling her eyes.

Carina knew Edward well enough to  know that she wasn't going to get anything out of him. She stared out the window of the plane. She got bored so she took to asking "Are we there yet?" exactly every twenty minutes. Every time she asked Edward would look at her for a second and turn away.

Soon they were on a boat speeding across the water.

"It's nice not having a speed limit huh?" Carina asked as she hugged him from behind.

"Yea and even if the Coast Guard comes by we can out swim them." Edward said smiling at her before he faced forward.

"It's actually a lot of fun messing with them, or any police man of any kind."

"How can they not let a woman that looks like you go?" Edward said grabbing one of her hands and kissing her palm.

"You'd be surprised. I was once wanted all over the East Coast. That was a really long time ago. Policemen back then were really unprofessional."

"What did you do?"

"Broke a few bones." Carina said smiling as she kissed the side of his neck. "Are we there yet?" She asked as she continued kissing him.

"Has it been twenty minutes already?" Edward asked teasingly.

"Yes it has been."

"Look ahead." Edward said. Carina looked and saw lights that seemed to be floating.

"There is an island out here?"

"You are looking at Esme Island."

"Carlisle bought her an island?"

"Yes and they agreed to let us borrow it for our honeymoon."

"That was nice of them." Carina said as Edward pulled up to the beach. He jumped out of the boat and secured it to the dock. He motioned for Carina to jump down. She jumped into his arms. She smiled and tried to get down. But he held her tight.

"I do believe as your husband that I have the right to carry you across the threshold." Edward said walking up to the house at human speed.

"You are so lucky that you are cute." Carina said when he set her down in the house.

"You explore and I'll get the rest of the luggage." Edward said. He kissed her cheek and left. Carina felt the need to explore without Edward telling her to. She loved the house it was beautiful.

"What do you think?" Edward asked when he found her in the master bedroom.

"It's perfect." Carina said.

"What do you say for a swim?"

"Let's go." Carina said taking his hand. She let him lead the way.

When they reached the shore, they looked at each other. They began to undress each other. They studied every inch of skin that was revealed to them. They slowly entered the water. It was warm against their cold skin.

"It's beautiful." Carina said looking out at the water. She saw Edward begin to say something and cut him off. "Don't you dare say not as beautiful as you." Carina said warningly.

"Alright." Edward said chuckling. "But it's true." Edward said swimming towards her. She smiled at him then took off swimming. Edward took off after her.

"Catch me if you can." Carina said gleefully. They swam around for a while just playing. Edward eventually caught her.

He picked her up. He swam to shore with her still in his arms. He ran to the house. He dropped her gently onto the bed. He looked over her body once more before he laid his over hers.

"I love you." Edward said kissing.

"Prove it." She said kissing him more forcefully.

That seized all further conversation between the two.

"I love you." Carina said looking up at him.

"I love you too." Edward said kissing her gently.

"Want to go exploring?" Carina asked.

"Or we can try a repeat of last night." Edward said suggestively.

"Ok." She kissed him hard. Then she whispered in his ear. "Catch me if you can." Then before he could blink she was gone.

Edward growled.

The next few weeks flew by. Edward and Carina got to know about each other that they ever thought possible. Sometimes they made love, but most of the time they just talked.

During the boat ride back Carina and Edward took their time. Sometimes they just stopped all together. They wanted to savor the time they had left to themselves. They sometimes just wanted to go back to the island and stay longer. But they knew that they couldn't.

When they landed the family was waiting for them. After a few teasing remarks, most from Emmett, they drove home. Esme Island seemed like a distant memory but it was one of Carina and Edward's favorites.

*** July 17th


"I can't believe that you are going to California." Carina said as they loaded Jen's luggage into the car.

"You are the one going to New Hampshire." Jen countered.

"I know. I am going to miss  you so much." Carina said hugging Jen one last time before Jen got into the car. Gabe was driving her to the airport. "Hey Gabe." Gabe gulped and got out of the car.

"Yes, Carina." He asked standing in front of her.

"I want you to tell Luke that nothing better happen to her. She better be able to live life as she wants." Carina said looking into Gabe's eyes.

"You know? Why haven't you told the others?"

"Because I trust Jen completely. So tell him that. And if I get word that he is mistreating her in any way I will find him, and he doesn't want that."

"I will let him know." Gabe said. He went back into the car.

Carina and Jen waved until they were out of each others sight. Carina was going to miss Jen a lot. She has never gotten so close to a human before. She knew that Jen had a very happy future ahead of her. But Carina also knew that slowly but surely they will start to loose contact with each other. Everything was going as it was suppose to.

For now.





Chapter 19: [link]
Chapter 20: THE END

Any character that relates to Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyer
Carina (c) me most personalities were mine ^_^
© 2012 - 2024 Aaronfanatic
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